Goyas en Aragón


Evolution of Goya's works in Aragón

It is impossible to really understand Goya as an artist without studying the works he painted in his home province. His first pictures, painted in Aragón already give evidence of passion and genius. The subject matter of these works are generally of a religious nature. They were painted between 1760 and 1781 for his home parish, his family and members of the Aragonese nobility. His most important clients were without doubt the Aragonese church: the Jesuits, Hospitallers, Carthusians and, shortly before his departure to Madrid, the canons of the Basilica del Pilar. After had left his home province, he continued to work for Aragonese clients as a portrait and religious painter.

Localization of Goya's works in Aragón

The majority of Goya's first frescos and mural paintings can be admired in their original locations. Many of their first pictures are custodied in the Museum of Zaragoza, and some other Aragonese museums and collections.

You can get information about them by clicking on the cities and villages included in the following map:

[ Zaragoza | Huesca | La Cartuja | Calatayud | Fuendetodos | Muel | Remolinos | Alagón ]

Javier García Marco


  • Ansón, A. Goya y Aragón. Zaragoza: Ed. Caja de la Inmaculada, Zaragoza, 1996.

  • Torralba Soriano, Federico. Goya en Aragón. León, 1977.
  • Morales y Martín, José Luis. Goya, pintor religioso. Zaragoza : Diputación General de Aragón, 1990.

  • Goya en Ponce (Puerto Rico). [Ponce, 1995].

[ GOYA IN ARAGON | Zaragoza | Huesca | La Cartuja | Calatayud | Fuendetodos | Muel | Remolinos | Alagón ]

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