Portraits of the Infante
Luis of Bourbon

At Court one of Goya's first clients was Charles III's brother, the Infante Luis de Bourbon, married to Maria Teresa de Ballabriga of Zaragoza. Goya painted a Family Portrait for them (1784, Fundación Magnani-Rocca, Corte di Mamiano, Parma) and several individual portraits.

One of the paintings for the Infante is an intimate family portrait in which the wife, in the centre and looking at the viewer, is having her combed by her hairdresser, while the Infante, their children (future clients of Goya) and various servants (not all the people present in the portrait have been satisfactorily identified). This work, of high quality and full of references to Velazquez is a prelude to the Family of Charles IV.

Véanse también los retratos de:


GLENDINING, Nige. Goya : La década de los Caprichos : Retratos 1792-1804. Madrid, 1992. (Catalogue of the exhibition held in the Academia de San Fernando, Madrid).

TOMLINSON, Janis A. Goya en el crepúsculo del Siglo de las Luces. Madrid, 1993. (Or. ed. in Eng.: Goya in the Twilight of Enlightenment. New Haven & London, 1992).

Ricardo Centellas

María Teresa de Ballabriga,
Infanta of Zaragoza
The family of the Infante Luis of Bourbon
María Teresa de Vallabriga on horseback
The cardinal Luis María de Borbón y Vallabriga

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