On Goya

The importance of the work of Goya has originated an enormous ammont of bibliography. His copious production, toguether with that of his studio, his imitators and copiers, the high price of his creations and the unique prestige of his signature have originated numerous forgeries and, therefore, unending discussions among the scholars that are far away from concluding.

InfoGoya pays attention to these discrepancies showing in its catalogue of paintings the reference to the different catalogues that have taken each picture in consideration.

  • Angelis, R. de-.L'opera pittorica completa di Goya. Milán, 1974 (=DeAn).
  • Camón, J.Goya. 4 vols., Zaragoza, 1980-1982 (=CA).
  • Gassier, P.Goya. Ginebra, 1955 (=Gassier).
  • Gassier, P. y Wilson-Bareau, J.Vie et oeuvre de Francisco de Goya. Friburgo, 1970 (Barcelona, 1974) (=GW).
  • Gudiol, J.Goya. Nueva York, 1941.Goya. Madrid, 1970.Goya. Madrid, 1975 (=G).
  • Morales, J. L.Goya : Catálogo de la pintura. Madrid, 1995 (=MM).
  • Salas, X. de.Goya. Nueva York, 1981. (=SALAS)

The best and most up-to-date research piece on Goya in Aragón is:
  • Ansón, A. Goya y Aragón. Zaragoza: Ed. Caja de la Inmaculada, Zaragoza, 1996.

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InfoGoya 96 is an initiative of the University of Zaragoza, sponsored by the Institution Fernando el Católico of the Deputation of Zaragoza on an Apple Internet Server donated by Apple Computer.

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