Artistic influences on Goya
in his youth

In his youth, Goya assimilated various influences from the atmosphere prevalent in Zaragoza and Madrid at that time, mostly late Baroque and Rococco. Major influences were painters such as Jose Luzan, Corrado Giaquinto and Francisco Bayeu. During his journey to Italy he came into contact with Classicism and the initial stages of Neo-Classicism which were to have a temporary, superficial influence.

The first major influence on Goya was his first 'maestro' Luzan, who set him free to move within the boundaries of the Rococco aesthetic with Roman/Neapolitan roots which Luzan had learnt in Naples. This sensibility was further reinforced by the influence of Giaquinto who, influenced by Velazquez, painted the mural on the vault of the Holy Chapel of the Basilica in Zaragoza. Another notable influence was Francisco Bayeu.

Goya's stay in Italy gave him the opportunity to gain direct experience of Classicism, Classical Barroque and the emergent Neo-Classicism. This and the influence of Mengs were to be seen in some of his later works. However, Goya did not follow the dictates of Neo-Classicism as did the majority of his fellow painters at that time at the Royal Court and in the Academies. Influences from Tiepolo can also be seen in some of his mural decorations.

Arturo Ansón

Francisco Bayeu

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