The Tauromaquia

(Series of 33 estampas)

Around 1815 he worked on the third great series The Tauromaquia, a faithful reflection of the passion that Goya felt for bullfighting. It was a work in which he tried to catch, in his own words "an idea of the beginnings, progress and present state of these celebrations in Spain".

The complete set consists of 33 prints, to which some others should be added which at the time were rejected for having small defects.

The first edition was published in 1876 with the prints listed from A to G. To make the prints he used etching, aquatint, dry point and burin. Some 50 preparatory drawings have been preserved.


Gassier, P. Dibujos de Goya : Los Albumes. Friburgo, 1973.

Gassier, P. Dibujos de Goya : Estudios para grabados y pinturas. Friburgo, 1975.

Mangiante, P. J. Goya e l'Italia. Roma, 1992, pag. 154 y ss.

Marisa Cancela

1. Way in which antique Spaniards hunted bulls
2. Another way of hunting on foot
3. The moors stablished
in Spain, leaving appart
the supperstitions of their Al Coran,
adopted this hunting and art, and fight a bull in the camp

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